Rain pains

England is very good at certain things. Garden centres, Percy Pigs, roast dinners, obscene snobbery, cricket. Bunting, newspapers, pointless celebrities, horses, literature.


Hmm what else?

Oh yeah.


If this is global warming, I’m unimpressed.

Usually I put up with the rain. But this is below the belt. You can’t give a country a week of beautiful weather, only to remove it and replace it with winter. I’m not even talking drizzle. I’m talking rain that takes only three minutes to completely soak you to the skin. Howling winds that wake you up at night. How’s that fair? Ten days ago, I was sitting in my garden, collecting freckles.

There are only two things for it.

One. Find pyjamas. Put them on. Grab Dachshund. Find sofa. Snuggle. Watch a film. If Dan isn’t home, get away with watching one of the ‘forbidden films’.


That sounds exciting. It’s really not. There are a few films I like to watch again and again. Dan doesn’t understand it. I find it comforting to have them playing in the background.

The Family Stone. When Harry Met Sally. Run Fatboy Run. Clueless. Legally Blonde. Bridget Jones’ Diary.

I could go on.

Films that you know all the words to. Films that, when they are put on, you actually barely watch. But films that were made for wet days.

Two. Book a holiday. To the hottest place you can think of.

I may have booked a trip to Marrakech.

Would it be completely insane if I had based my choice of hotel on the fact that the owners have two Dachshunds…?

9 thoughts on “Rain pains

  1. Theres forbidden tv in our house too – like Friends! My husband can’t stand it!

    You should have booked for Italy. Just got back – it was like Dachshund heaven! Saw hundreds!

    • I’m banned from watching Friends too! I’ve heard that about Italy before – a few people have said they saw loads. Guess I’ll just have to start planning a trip to Italy then (for research purposes, of course) 😉

  2. The weather has been sooooo bad! I had to stay in my car for 15 mins outside my house it was raining that hard yesterday! Just madness!

    The best rainy day film I find is Blithe spirit, it’s an oldie but a goodie!

    I’ve heard that Berlin is fab for dachshund spotting! I’d love to go there! =]

    • I went to Berlin a couple of months ago and expected to see Dachshunds everywhere – but I only saw one! Disappointed doesn’t quite cover it. Apparently Italy is the place to go for Dachshund spotting. And if that means I have to book a trip to Rome for research purposes, then who am I to argue? 😉

  3. I have movies like that……Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, almost any one of my vast collection of Disney cartoons….I put them on for background noise, snuggle up with my Puchi and let the day go where it may!

    • I love Disney films! I’ve been wanting to watch Beauty and the Beast recently – don’t know why! Might have to wait until the next time Dan is out for that one though…!

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